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1901 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA, 15219
United States


Neighborhood Schools

Pittsburgh Public School District
Neighborhood Schools

What is a neighborhood school?

Also known as your feeder school, a neighborhood school is the district school assigned to you based on your home address. You can find your child’s assigned school by visiting and entering your home address.

Head over to the Report to the Community school pages to learn more about how your neighborhood school is performing.

How do I enroll in my neighborhood school?

For your child to begin attending your zoned neighborhood school, you will need to enroll at that school. Visit for more information, including a list of supporting documents you will need for enrollment, quick links for enrollment, and translation services.

Is it possible for my child(ren) to attend a neighborhood school that they are not zoned for?

If a neighborhood school still has openings for the upcoming school year as of April, you can enroll at a school outside of your zoned neighborhood school through Open Enrollment. Please note, there are several restrictions with Open Enrollment.

Families can also make a Request to Transfer from their zoned school for safety, family hardship, or other reasons. These requests must be made in writing using PPS’s Form 101. For assistance with a Request to Transfer, you can contact the PPS Parent Hotline at 412-529-HELP (4357).

You can also explore the District’s magnet school and CTE program options.

Special schools and centers

The Pittsburgh district serves students with special needs through supports and services within schools and at special education centers. Visit our Special schools and centers page for contact information (2024-25) and basic demographical information (2023-24) about these schools and centers, and Pittsburgh Online Academy 4-12 (a regular education cyber school).

If you have any trouble navigating enrollment or have questions about your options, contact us at or by calling 412-256-8536.